Healthy Winter Skincare Tips

Healthy Winter Skincare Tips | ROCKSIDE khadi

Winter’s nearly here and that means holidays, time off, family moments, and of course, ‘you time’. But if you’re like most people, you know that the cold weather and low humidity can really do a number on your skin. Dryness, flakiness, and flare-ups of eczema and psoriasis (if you have them) become worse. To help you get through these irritations (quite literally!), we’re sharing tried and tested winter skincare tips. They don’t require much effort but they will result in healthier, glowing skin.

Winter Care for Oily Skin

It’s a myth that oily skin doesn’t need moisturizing. The only difference is the routine and type of ingredients used.

Use alcohol-free products

Alcohol-based products are harsh. And while they can reduce oiliness, they’re overly drying and cause skin to flake. A better option is a natural, alcohol-free product like Rockside Khadi’s Herbal Face Wash with Cucumber Tea Tree and Lemon. It’s gentle and excellent for oily skin and acne. Use it twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Use a natural face pack

A face pack can help you control excess sebum, acne, and breakouts. It can also help unclog your pores – a problem that people with oily skin often face. The Face Tone Sandalwood Herbal Face Pack from Rockside Khadi is a great choice because it contains a rich mixture of antiseptic ingredients like sandalwood, neem, aloe vera, turmeric, and kachoor that work to prevent skin eruptions like pimples and blackheads. It also contains camphor to protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Don’t over-wash or over-scrub

It seems logical that washing your face several times a day or using a face scrub a couple of times a week would help keep oily skin in check. But that’s not true. Over-washing and over-scrubbing can irritate the skin and cause acne to flare. Stick to washing your face twice a day and scrubbing to twice or thrice a month. Do make sure to use a natural and gentle scrub.

Use a water-based moisturizer

You may be tempted to use a rich moisturizer in winter but oily skin is prone to breakouts and shouldn’t be subjected to thick, oil-based products. Instead, use a light moisturizer that contains antiseptic ingredients, is non-sticky, and spreads easily. Rockside Khadi’s Neem Face Cream is a good all-in-one product. It’s formulated to prevent pimples, minimize blemishes, and guard against UV rays. If you want a lower viscous product, try the Moisturizing Aloe Vera Basil Lotion. It’s infused with aloe vera, wheat germ, neem, basil, honey, and rice bran oil.

Winter Care for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, winter can do a double whammy, leaving it red, flaky, and itchy. To counter all these, follow the tips below.

Use a moisturizer right after washing

Washing the face strips it of natural oils so it’s important to slather on moisturizer straight after washing. Rockside Khadi’s Jasmine Moisturizing Lotion keeps skin soft and supple. For your nighttime routine, use the Almond Apricot Massage Cream that tones the skin while keeping it properly moisturized.

Don’t skip sunscreen

UV rays are harmful to skin no matter the season, and those with dry skin will see theirs being zapped of moisture even more under the winter sun. Apply sunscreen after your moisturizer, whether you plan to step out or not. You’ll soon get into the habit and won’t be able to start your day without it!

Avoid harsh scrubs

As with people who have oily skin, those with dry skin should ease up on face scrubs during the winter season. If your skin is very dry or is flaking, use an exfoliant instead of a scrub. They can be a little too abrasive and can strip away whatever existing moisture there is.

Use occlusives

It’s not just the face that suffers in winter; the body also needs extra care as it’s equally prone to dryness. If using a moisturizer is still not enough, use an occlusive product – one that forms a layer of protection on the surface of the skin to physically prevent loss of moisture.

Ingredients that are occlusive include shea butter and castor oil. Rockside Khadi’s Shea Butter and Vanilla Bodywash is a solid addition to your skincare routine. Loaded with vitamin A and E as well as shea butter, glycerine, and extracts of reetha, aloe vera, and tulsi it will soon become your favorite bath must-have!

Winter Care for Combination Skin

A cross between dry and oily, combination skin can be tricky to care for in winter. The key is to use lightweight products in layers to moisturize the skin without weighing it down.

Always use water-based products

As with oily skin, avoid oil-based products that will only clog pores and lead to breakouts. What you want to do is use a water-based toner and follow it up with a light moisturizer and sunscreen. Do this every day to keep your skin clean and nourished.

Use a face pack once a week

It’s important to keep dryness and oiliness in check all year round. A face pack can work wonders for this. In winter, though, use it once a week and not more to prevent skin from drying out. Rockside Khadi’s Face Tone Orange Face Pack mixes orange, fuller’s earth, tulsi, kachoor, camphor, and wild turmeric to prevent excess oil, pimples, and blackheads and leave skin feeling soft.

Aloe vera is your friend

Aloe vera is one of those miracle ingredients that suits all skin types, including combination. Come bath time, try Rockside Khadi’s Fresh Flower Aloe Vera soap that’s gentle, moisturizing, and rejuvenating. It’s mild enough to be used on the face too!

Use blotting paper

Even in winter, the t-zone can get oily. To keep it matte, use blotting pads to remove excess oil. This way, you can keep skin looking and feeling balanced without having to constantly wash it and worsen the dry patches. Note: Use blotting pads with as few ingredients as possible to avoid irritating your skin.

Winter is a time of great fun and with a good skincare routine, you’ll be able to enjoy it for everything that it is! Adopt these tips into your daily routine and see the difference they make to your skin.

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